Friday, 8 January 2021


 Confidence - Daily Inspiration Series | Episode 4

This episode teaches us to turn self-critical moments into positive energy creating moments which is the main ingredient in Confidence. To be confident, we have to go beyond outward aesthetic markers, and consciously reach deep into our innermost energy source.

Confidence is the devotion to honoring oneself, taking action to build self-esteem and promote health on all levels. What we believe, we create. If we believe that we are somehow "not enough", that is the very image we project. What we project we also tend to attract.
Those who are self-critical, or who feel "less than" others, will tend to draw people and circumstances into their lives that are not in their best interests.

One of the biggest keys to creating confidence is to direct our
attention to our positive qualities and talents. We live in a
consumer society which sends the message that we never have enough.
We feel compelled to acquire things to make us thinner, less wrinkled, more beautiful, and powerful. The end result is often good for business but leaves many people feeling empty at the end of the day.

Confidence does not come from diet pills, beauty products, or all the other marketable "confidence" creators. Confidence is the result of a conscious decision to focus our energy on abundance, our natural talents, and positive qualities. The more confident we become, the more capable we are. The end result of developing a strong sense of self worth is that we begin to naturally attract healthier conditions, from physical health to our relationships.


Look at yourself in a full length mirror if you have one available.
How do you hold yourself? Do you tend to slouch, hold your head down, look away without truly seeing yourself? What feelings do you have?
Do you immediately start pointing out perceived flaws? There can be several keys to our confidence level discovered in the way we look at ourselves. The goal is not to look at physical appearance so much as it is to witness how you perceive yourself.

Make a journal; discuss your thoughts and feelings
while looking in the mirror, then list the different traits or talents (not focusing on the physical) that boost your confidence. Make a conscious effort to direct your thoughts towards these areas when critical self-talk sets in. After you have done this, look again at yourself in the full-length mirror while concentrating on these various talents or strengths. How does this affect things such as posture, eye contact and interactions?

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  Confidence - Daily Inspiration Series | Episode 4 This episode teaches us to turn self-critical moments into positive energy creating mome...