Saturday, 2 January 2021


 Discernment - Daily Inspiration Series | Episode 3

Discernment is a tool for freedom and the path to inner peace; it comes from a place of empowerment when we decide to investigate the truth for ourselves before going along with the plans or motives of others. This episode trains us to empower ourselves.

The word in this episode calls on us to be multidimensional, to use all of our faculties when weighing conditions, or planning strategies.
Discernment comes from a place where we rise above emotions, the
influence of others, and we seek for ourselves the knowledge lying beneath the surface of the situation. Often people with great personas and their own agendas will try to influence us to go against our better judgment by playing on our emotions, or making us feel we are outcast, or "wrong" if we don't follow along.
Discernment comes from a place of empowerment when we decide to investigate the truth for ourselves before going along with the plans or motives of others. Discernment gives us the authority and ability to make empowered choices.

Discernment is a tool for freedom and the path to inner peace. Do not ever let anyone take your decision-making power away from you. Often we feel powerless to say "no"; we do what others want to gain acceptance, or to feel important or needed. Sometimes we fear repercussions if we go against the grain. This type of behavior leaves us vulnerable to being manipulated and allows us to be controlled by others. Discernment asks you to do what is important and right for you first, remember that an empty cup cannot quench anyone's thirst. If you constantly put the opinions, needs of others ahead of your own, you are left empty.


Take a look at a situation where you feel you tend to be swayed
greatly by others. Consider the reasoning of all parties.
Weigh all the objectives, all the potential courses of action that can be taken. Look deeply into the situation from all angles and empower yourself to make the decision that feels right in your own heart. Write about this in your journaling. What did you learn from this experience? Have you been giving more of your personal power away than you would like? Take positive actions towards personal empowerment based on your discerning ability.

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