Monday, 28 December 2020


Reformation - Daily Inspiration Series - Episode 2 

Reformation is beneficial when we make changes that make way for a higher purpose or goal. Today's episode trains our minds on how to transform a plan into actual action.

The word in this episode is one that requires courage and an action plan. Often it is difficult to recognize old patterns in our behavior that are no longer working. Many times, we realize that things are not going the way we intended, but we are unaware of what is needed to correct the situation. Reforming conditions allows the whole unit, be it work or family, to work together for the collective good of all concerned.

Reformation is a word that suggests to us to keep an open mind, and be willing to listen to and act upon new ideas. Be willing to consult those whose experiences may be greater than your own. Listen to what they have to say and be willing to try the alternatives that are presented. It is through the spirit of cooperation that we enable ourselves to reform, bringing better future plans to all.


Choose a goal, this can be anything such as a work related issue that needs reorganizing, a family plan, or a personal undertaking like learning a new skill, quitting smoking, writing a book, and so on. Ask for the opinions and experience of others around you and be willing to open up to this advice. Make a list of all the different ideas and opinions you receive. From this experience, form a new action plan that moves you towards your goal.
This exercise can also make a great group or family project, by sharing all of the ideas and the opinions gathered, you will learn more about the dynamics of the whole, and how to make positive changes for all concerned.

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